Has USCIS resolved the EB-5 tenant-occupancy issues? I”ve heard that they are now allowing developers to use this methodology to count towards job creation? Is it true that they are approving I-526 petitions with this model now?

Jinhee Wilde
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersUSCIS will tell you that they have always been approving applications that utilizes Tenant Occupancy methodology. The issue that they emphasize is whether an applicant or petitioner has demonstrated that an EB-5 enterprise caused the creation of indirect tenant jobs will require determinations on a case-by-case basis and will generally require an evaluation of the verifiable detail provided and the overall reasonableness of the methodology as presented. USCIS requires evidence that the claimed jobs result, directly or indirectly, from the economic activity of the EB-5 commercial enterprise. Jobs that are merely re-located rather than created do not count. To claim credit for tenant jobs, applicants and petitioners may present evidence backed by reasonable methods that map a specific amount of direct, imputed, or subsidized investment to such new jobs. However, for applicants and petitioners that instead seek to utilize a facilitation-based approach, the case will depend on the extent to which applicants or petitioners can demonstrate that the economic benefits provided by a specific space project will remove a significant market-based constraint. One way applicants and petitioners can make this showing is to indicate how a specific space project will correct market imperfections and generate net new labor demand and income that will result in a specified prospective number of tenant jobs that will locate in that space.

Larry J Behar, Esq
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersThe government has issued some preliminary regulation with regard to the tenant occupancy issue. I do not believe that the matter has been finalized as it is still under review in the draft memorandum that has been issued for EB five purposes at this time.

Julia Roussinova
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersUSCIS has recently released additional guidance regarding how EB-5 cases involving tenant-occupancy job creation methodology will be adjudicated. Such determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis, and USCIS will still require evidence that the claimed jobs result, directly or indirectly, from the economic activity of the EB-5 project. Jobs that are merely relocated rather than created will not be counted. I encourage you to consult an EB-5 immigration attorney. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Clem Turner
Securities AttorneysWhile USCIS has issued a memo purporting to clarify Tenant-Occupancy issues, there is still no definitive adjudication on the matter. EB-5 Service providers expect to have more clarity shortly.

Roberto Ortiz
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersUSCIS released a Memorandum at the end of 2012 explaining how they will be addressing tenant-occupancy. However, USCIS stated that it will be on a case by case basis. As of right now, American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has not seen received any feedback about approvals or denials of pending cases. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.

Lei Jiang
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersUSCIS issued a new guidance on this issue in December 2012. The guidance provides some help but without seeing actual adjudications, it''s still difficult to know whether, and to what extent a regional center can count tenant''s job in a development. You need to consult an experienced EB5 attorney. Please feel free to contact us for regional center questions.

Michael A Harris, Esq
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersThere are some acceptable ways to use tenant-occupancy. USCIS issued a recent memo on the subject. There are obvious restrictions for using this job creation methodology. Hence, how USCIS will adjudicate cases which utilize this strategy is still being determined. For more information, please feel free to contact me.

Boyd Campbell
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersNo, these issues have not yet been fully resolved.

Emre Ozgu
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersYes, they have resolved the tenant-occupancy issues.

Ed Beshara
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersUSCIS continues to allow employment creation through the tenant occupancy model, based upon specific requirements from the USCIS.

Steven Anapoell
Securities AttorneysA statement just came out. I will be analyzing over the weekend.

DISCLAIMER: the information found on this website is intended to be general information; it is not legal or financial advice. Specific legal or financial advice can only be given by a licensed professional with full knowledge of all the facts and circumstances of your particular situation. You should seek consultation with legal, immigration, and financial experts prior to participating in the EB-5 program. Posting a question on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. All questions you post will be available to the public: do not include confidential information in your question.