What benefits will my family have as EB-5 conditional permanent residents? - EB5Investors.com

What benefits will my family have as EB-5 conditional permanent residents?

I am looking into applying for EB-5 with my family. Once we become conditional permanent residents in the United States, what benefits will we get? For example, will we have social security numbers? I am also worried because my son will turn 18 soon. Will he be required to serve in the U.S. military as a conditional permanent resident?


Julia Roussinova

Julia Roussinova

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Conditional permanent residents have all the benefits permanent residents have, including Social Security numbers, public school benefits/resident tuition at universities, residing in any state of the United States, working without restrictions in the United States, etc. Your son will be obligated to register for selective service for men between the ages of 18-25 unfortunately; however, there is no mandatory military service currently in place in the United States, but men between the ages of 18-25 are required to register for draft if needed by the government. Permanent residents generally may not vote, obtain certain federal employment, etc. You must remove conditions on your conditional permanent residence in order to obtain permanent green cards and subsequently apply for U.S. citizenship.

Jinhee Wilde

Jinhee Wilde

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Conditional permanent residency has all the benefits and obligations of permanent residence, such as getting Social Security numbers, enrolling in any public primary and secondary schools without tuition, and living and working anywhere in United States without restrictions. It also does obligate your son to register for Special Services, unfortunately. The only condition that conditional permanent residency requires is that you must file the Removal of Condition application before the CPR expires and get that application approved in order to continue being a permanent, permanent resident.

Steffanie J Lewis

Steffanie J Lewis

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A conditional permanent resident can leave/enter the United States at will without the risk of being denied entry by an immigration official the port of entry. You have right to apply for government-sponsored financial aid for education; you will pay resident tuition for university and college compared to a foreign national&#39s tuition. You are permitted to work in any company that chooses to hire you. Yes, you will obtain your social security number. Your son, as a permanent resident, would be required to register with the Selective Service System. We have no military draft at this time in the United States. If a draft were reinstated, it is possible he could be drafted unless he, by then, has aged-out. The United States has voluntary military forces. A permanent resident may enlist in any of the military branches if he or she applies and meets the requirements (i.e., age, height, health, moral character).

Fredrick W Voigtmann

Fredrick W Voigtmann

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Conditional permanent residents have the same rights and responsibilities as permanent residents without conditions. As such, you and each member of your family (spouse and children under 21) may obtain social security numbers. Male U.S. permanent residents between the ages of 18 and 25 must register for the selective service, but there is no compulsory military service in the United States at the present time. There has not been a military draft in the United States for decades, as the U.S. military is a voluntary service only.

J Bruce Weinman

J Bruce Weinman

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You all become permanent residents - yes you will have social security numbers. Your son will have to register for the draft, but will not have to serve unless there is a draft, which is incredibly unlikely.

Ed Beshara

Ed Beshara

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When you obtain conditional permanent residency, then your spouse and minor children will also obtain conditional permanent residency. As long as your son is under 21 years of age when you file the investor petition, then your son should obtain conditional permanent residency, even though he turns 21 after the investor petition is filed. Once you or family members have their conditional permanent residency, you and the family members can obtain a social security number.

Roberto Ortiz

Roberto Ortiz

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Please find below the answers to your questions: What benefits will we get? For example, will we have social security numbers? Your family members will obtain social security numbers, they will be able to go to public schools, obtain scholarships for college, homestead exemption for your house, etc. I am also worried because my son will turn 18 soon. Will he be required to serve in the U.S. military as a conditional permanent resident? Your son will have to register for the Selective Service, but that will be it. It is not mandatory to serve in the U.S. military once you turn 18.

John J Downey

John J Downey

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You will have a social security number and be allowed to work and travel. Your son may have to register for the draft, but since it is no longer used, the point for now is moot.

Robert Lee

Robert Lee

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You will receive the advantages of being a U.S. resident. For example, the reduced costs of education and higher level education in the United States. You will receive a social security number. Your children can apply under your petition as long as they are under 21. Also, there is no military service requirement in the United States.

Salvatore Picataggio

Salvatore Picataggio

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You can live and work in the United States and travel around the world freely. You would be subject to U.S. taxes. Social security numbers and driver&#39s licenses will also be available. Selective Service would also likely be required.

Shenila A Momin

Shenila A Momin

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You will have the same benefits as any other permanent resident of the United States. You and your family will be able to apply for social security numbers, driver&#39s licenses and work here. Your children will apply under you as long as they are under 21 years old. As for serving in the military, there is no requirement. The only requirement is to register with Selective Service. Selective Service is: almost all male U.S. citizens, and male immigrants, who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service. It&#39s important to know that even though he is registered, a man will not automatically be inducted into the military. In a crisis requiring a draft, men would be called in sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. Then, they would be examined for mental, physical and moral fitness by the military before being deferred or exempted from military service or inducted into the Armed Forces.

Denyse Sabagh

Denyse Sabagh

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You will become conditional permanent residents of the United States. Your wife and children under 21 will receive the same status. You will be able to obtain social security cards, driver&#39s licenses, children can go to school, you and they can work anywhere, and pretty much do everything a U.S. citizen can do except for vote in U.S. elections, hold yourself out as a U.S. citizen, obtain certain jobs that require U.S. citizenship etc. The United States does not have a draft program at this time, so your children are not required to serve in the military.

Kyle Barella

Kyle Barella

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As a conditional permanent resident you have the same rights as unconditional permanent residents. You have nearly the same rights as U.S. citizens as well. The only thing you cannot do is vote, hold public office or obtain certain high level government jobs. There is no mandatory conscription in the United States, so your son is under no obligation to serve in the military. He will however be required to obtain a draft card. Your children are not eligible to be included on your EB-5 petition once they reach 21 years, so I recommend filing sooner than later (before your son ages out).

Lynne Feldman

Lynne Feldman

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Your family will have all of the benefits of a permanent resident and can apply for social security numbers. Your son will need to register for a Selective Service number, but there is no mandatory draft at this time.

Stephen Berman

Stephen Berman

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Yes, a conditional LPR gets a social security number. Any male between 18 and 26 must register with the selective service. The U.S. does not currently have a draft. If there is a draft, he would be subject to it.

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