What are the current EB-5 Regional Centers? - EB5Investors.com

What are the current EB-5 Regional Centers?

Can you tell me where to find a list of existing EB-5 Regional Centers where I can consider placing a project?


Rana Jazayerli

Rana Jazayerli

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USCIS has a list of all approved regional centers on its web site. You can find that list at http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=d765ee0f4c014210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=facb83453d4a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD

Jinhee Wilde

Jinhee Wilde

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USCIS has a list of approved EB-5 Regional Centers. This list does not list any I-526 or I-829 approvals, however.

Gregory Romanovsky

Gregory Romanovsky

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Thank you for your question. The list can be found here: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=d765ee0f4c014210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=facb83453d4a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD

Ed Beshara

Ed Beshara

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A list of EB-5 Regional centers can be found on the USCIS website. Besides location you will learn about the geography and industries covered by the the Regional Centers. Alternatively, your business adviser can analyze and recommend various EB-5 projects.

Dawn M Lurie

Dawn M Lurie

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You can find the listing of the designated EB-5 Regional Centers on the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Website at www.uscis.gov/eb-5centers. Not every Regional Center will accept an outside project but this will provide you with a place to start.

Anthony Ravani

Anthony Ravani

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The list is on www.uscis.gov I advise you do not do this without an attorney.

Boyd Campbell

Boyd Campbell

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USCIS publishes the names of regional center at www.uscis.gov.

Taher Kameli

Taher Kameli

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On USCIS.gov web page. On the search part, type: EB5 regional center.

Neville M Leslie

Neville M Leslie

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The USCIS website lists all approved regional centers.

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