What are the requirements on health insurance coverage for EB-5 investors? - EB5Investors.com

What are the requirements on health insurance coverage for EB-5 investors?

My family just relocated to the U.S. with our EB-5 visas. We were wondering if we can apply for health insurance with less coverage and a lower premium. If so, would that affect our 2-year green card? The other option with a higher premium costs $700 a month, which is very expensive.


Salvatore Picataggio

Salvatore Picataggio

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It looks like I-526 petitioners are not subject to all the same public charge/I-944 stuff that others might be. The Department of State is requiring proof that some kind of insurance is acquired or will be acquired.

Fredrick W Voigtmann

Fredrick W Voigtmann

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Premium assistance through Obamacare is not listed as one of the factors under the new public charge rules. Furthermore, since you already have a green card, you should be fine. Please keep in mind that free, non-emergency medical coverage is on the list, which could only be relevant if you spent more than six months outside of the United States and then sought reentry after having used benefits considered under the public charge rule.

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

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There should be no obstacle if you wish to apply for health insurance with a lower premium.

A Olusanjo Omoniyi

A Olusanjo Omoniyi

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Yes, you should be able because there is no minimum insurance coverage a recent immigrant is supposed to obtain.

Lynne Feldman

Lynne Feldman

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They will probably be happy that you have any insurance at all in terms of complying with the public charge requirement.

Stephen Berman

Stephen Berman

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If you have already been admitted to the US and already have conditional green cards, it is not relevant.

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy

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There are no health insurance requirements that are specific to EB-5 investors. The rules are the same for all green card holders and U.S. citizens. Make sure to check your state rules in addition to the federal ones.

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