How many pages do an I-526 application package, including the form itself and other supporting documents, usually contain? Is it in the 50 pages or does it go even to 200 or 300 pages?
Fredrick W Voigtmann
Immigration Attorneys DirectoryEach EB-5 case is unique. Even with EB-5 regional center projects, which typically have all of the same "filing template" documents, usually hundreds of pages or more, there also is the individual lawful source of funds component, which can be a short as a few pages to as long as hundreds of pages depending on the situation. The current version of the I-526 form has 13 pages.
A Olusanjo Omoniyi
Immigration Attorneys DirectoryThere is no limit on the pages for an I-526 petition. It is the quality of information and whether the information is germane to a successful petition that should drive your decision.
Bernard P Wolfsdorf
Immigration Attorneys DirectoryTwo hundred to three hundred pages would be very thin. We have filed 12-18 inches that run into thousands of pages.
Michele Franchett
Immigration Attorneys DirectoryOurs typically have a lot. Sometimes the petition is a 6" stack of papers depending on how complicated the business is.
Belma Demirovic Chinchoy
Immigration Attorneys DirectoryThe average is about 800 and up. The largest I have ever filed is 6,300 pages.
Salvatore Picataggio
Immigration Attorneys DirectoryIt really depends. Some large EB-5 regional center projects can top 1,000 pages. I have filed one that hit nearly two thousand pages.
Dale Schwartz
Immigration Attorneys DirectoryI have filed some for large regional centers that had over 10,000 pages.
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