How can a mistake in our DS-260 affect our EB-5 application? -

How can a mistake in our DS-260 affect our EB-5 application?

We realized that my wife’s name in our DS-260 form was miswritten. My attorney contacted the NVC to correct this, but we haven’t heard back except for a reply saying they forwarded my request to the appropriate division to review and process. How can this affect our interview requests and our following I-829 application? Is there a way to speed up the correction?


Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
Answered on

Ask to reopen the DS260 to correct.

Dennis Tristani

Dennis Tristani

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
Answered on

No - this can be corrected at the time of the interview. The officer will go through the DS-260 with you and you can ask that information be corrected/edited/added as needed.

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