Can I move the headquarter of my business to the US and make it count as my direct EB-5 investment? -

Can I move the headquarter of my business to the US and make it count as my direct EB-5 investment?

I am running a successful business in Taiwan but I want to move my family to America. Can I move my operations to the US and apply for a direct EB-5 visa?


Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

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Moving a headquarters is unlikely to constitute new jobs. However, if you start a new company in the U.S., invest the requisite amount of capital, and create ten full time jobs for U.S. workers, then you should be able to qualify for an EB-5, and possibly even an EB-1C company transfer green card if the company is large enough.

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy

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Depending on your business in Taiwan, EB-5 may not be the best option for your residence. But yes, you can establish a branch of your company in the U.S., invest the minimum investment amount and pursue an EB-5 residence program.

Dennis Tristani

Dennis Tristani

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Yes, this is a possibility, however, other visa options may allow you to obtain residency quicker and without a large capital outlay. The EB-1C green card for multinational executives and managers could be a strong possibility and can be initiated after the U.S. company has been in operations for more than one year. Your business in Taiwan, however, must continue to be operational during the application process.

Stephen Berman

Stephen Berman

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