How can I add my spouse to my pending EB-5 I-829? -

How can I add my spouse to my pending EB-5 I-829?

How can I add my spouse to my pending EB-5 I-829?
I have a pending EB-5 I-829. We got married before I applied for Adjustment of Status. My wife is now on conditional residency as well, following her own approved AOS as my derivative. Can she be added via interfiling to my I-829, or does she need to file a separate I-829?


Lynne Feldman

Lynne Feldman

Find the Best EB5 Visa Lawyers
Answered on

If she got conditional residency when you did, you should be able to add her. I would message the EB-5 office to ask them the procedure.

Dennis Tristani

Dennis Tristani

Find the Best EB5 Visa Lawyers
Answered on

The instructions to the I-829 Form address this issue and confirm that a separate I-829 should be filed. I recommend speaking to your immigration attorney to ensure the case is filed properly.

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