How does a third party hotel management company affect the job creation requirements of an EB-5 hotel development project? -

How does a third party hotel management company affect the job creation requirements of an EB-5 hotel development project?

For hotel development, if an owner utilizing the EB-5 program is also utilizing a third party hotel management company that assumes all employees (as in, all employees are hotel management company employees), will this still qualify as creating jobs for the applicant?


Daniel A Zeft

Daniel A Zeft

Find the Best EB5 Visa Lawyers
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Your question raises involved issues. Also, additional facts are needed in order to evaluate your situation. You need a consultation appointment with an immigration attorney.

Lynne Feldman

Lynne Feldman

Find the Best EB5 Visa Lawyers
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Are they a PEO only or more involved?

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Find the Best EB5 Visa Lawyers
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It may be possible to structure this so as to be able to count indirect jobs with a Regional Center although the new rules require a certain percentage of jobs to be direct jobs.

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