Are jobs created before the adjudication of an I-526 application qualifies for EB-5? -

Are jobs created before the adjudication of an I-526 application qualifies for EB-5?

I am starting a dental office as an EB-5 direct investment. My question is, if I hire six employees before my I-526 is adjudicated, will these 6 employees be considered fulfilling the requirement of EB-5?


A Olusanjo Omoniyi

A Olusanjo Omoniyi

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Yes, the six employees hired prior to the filing of the I-526 would be counted.

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

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If you hired them as a result of the investment, they should count, but if it&#39s an existing business more restricted rules apply.

Daniel A Zeft

Daniel A Zeft

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Yes, jobs created by the new commercial enterprise count.

Marko Issever

Marko Issever

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Yes, of course. As long as all your paperwork is in place all those jobs should be counted. I assume you know that you need to create at least four more full-time positions, though. In total, you need to create at least 10 full-time positions. I strongly advise you not to do this alone. People who think that EB-5 direct investment is an exercise of hiring 10 new employees and there is nothing else about the exercise find the hard way that they did not comply with all the requirements that come about with a proper EB-5 investment. The professional will guide you through not only all the steps you need to take but equally importantly in which order to execute each step.

BoBi Ahn

BoBi Ahn

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Yes, they would count toward the requisite minimum 10-job creation. For EB-5 purposes, you need to demonstrate that your investment in the new commercial enterprise resulted in the creation of at least 10 new jobs. You will need to provide evidence of this when you file for the I-829 removal of conditional permanent residency. At the time of filing the I-526, you need to show that you have definite plans and the business has the capability of creating these 10 jobs.

Robin J Gray

Robin J Gray

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Yes, those jobs would be counted toward the requirement of fulfilling the 10-job requirement for an EB-5 visa, but they and the additional four jobs that can be created within 2 1/2 years after the approval of the I-526 must be sustained during the entire period of the EB-5 process until the approval of the I-829 to remove the conditional residency.

Barbara Suri

Barbara Suri

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There is no requirement that the 10-job requirement be met only after the adjudication of an I-526 application.

Hassan Elkhalil

Hassan Elkhalil

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Not really. You have to work to have the 10 employees within a reasonable time from the time you file your application, the I-526. You want to make sure you have the 10 employees while the I-829 is pending.

Fredrick W Voigtmann

Fredrick W Voigtmann

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Yes. Jobs created by the NCE into which you have invested should be counted as long as there is a nexus (a connection) between your investment and the job creation. In other words, jobs created after you invested your EB-5 capital but before the adjudication of your I-526 may be counted.

Julia Roussinova

Julia Roussinova

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The requisite minimum amount is to create at least 10 full-time positions. A full-time position means a position of at least 35 hours/week. Requisite job creation must be shown at the time you file I-829 petition for removal of conditions. If not all jobs are created, you will have to explain the reasons and show that at least 10 full-time positions will be created within reasonable time. Best practice is for you to follow the EB-5 business plan and the hiring timetable as evidenced by the business plan, which is submitted with your I-526 petition. Your EB-5 immigration attorney should be able to guide you on the process. If you do not have an EB-5 immigration attorney, please hire one before you submit I-526 petition to USCIS to avoid mistakes.

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy

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Job creation period starts with the investment.

Dale Schwartz

Dale Schwartz

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Yes they will.

Salvatore Picataggio

Salvatore Picataggio

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According to USCIS, the 2-year period is deemed to begin six months after adjudication of Form I-526. The business plan filed with the immigrant petition should reasonably demonstrate that the requisite number of jobs will be created by the end of this two-year period. That said, job creation timelines are developed with your attorney and business plan writer to ensure the job count is sufficient when the I-829 is filed.

Charles Foster

Charles Foster

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Yes, if you keep them.

DISCLAIMER: the information found on this website is intended to be general information; it is not legal or financial advice. Specific legal or financial advice can only be given by a licensed professional with full knowledge of all the facts and circumstances of your particular situation. You should seek consultation with legal, immigration, and financial experts prior to participating in the EB-5 program. Posting a question on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. All questions you post will be available to the public: do not include confidential information in your question.