By EB5 Investors Magazine Staff
Throughout his life, Ted Cruz has been passionate about and fought for limited government, economic growth and the constitution.
His calling to public service has been inspired by his firsthand observation of the pursuit of freedom and opportunity in America. Cruz’ mother, Eleanor, was born in Delaware to an Irish and Italian working-class family. She became the first in her family to go to college, graduated from Rice University with a degree in mathematics and became a pioneer in computer programming in the 1950s.
Cruz’ father, Rafael, after being tortured and imprisoned in Cuba, fled to the United States to attend the University of Texas at Austin in 1957. He then started a small business in the oil and gas industry. Today, his father is a pastor in Dallas.
Cruz has been a tireless fighter for liberty because his family knows what it is like to lose it.
As Solicitor General for the State of Texas and in private practice, Cruz authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. He also won a series of landmark national victories that include his defense of U.S. sovereignty against the UN and the World Court in Medellin v. Texas, our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the constitutionality of the Ten Commandments monument at the Texas State Capitol, and the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance.
In the U.S. Senate, Cruz has led the fight to repeal Obamacare, to secure the border and to confirm Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. He has also led the fight to defend life, marriage, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Most importantly, he’s kept his promise to speak the truth and do what he said he’d do, he said.
Cruz, his wife Heidi, their two daughters Caroline and Catherine, and his entire family have been blessed to live the American Dream — the idea that anyone, through hard work and determination, can achieve anything. And he is committed to ensuring every family has that same opportunity.
Why do you want to serve as a senator and what do you hope to accomplish?
I want to continue serving 28 million Texans because in my judgment we are facing the epic battle of our generation – a battle of whether this nation remains a free-market nation. A nation that values liberty. I remain a fighter for liberty because my family knows what it is like to lose it. The size, power and spending of the federal government has increased faster in the past three years than ever before. And we desperately need leadership to stand up and defend liberty, free-market principles and the U.S. constitution. I believe the Senate is the battleground for major reforms, and remain committed to leading in those fights to protect the values that shaped this nation.
You have been quoted as saying this country “needs leaders who are willing to tell the truth and do the right thing regardless of the consequences.” How would you describe yourself as a leader and what are your core values?
I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to fight for conservative principles. In the U.S. Senate, I have led the fight to repeal Obamacare, to secure the border, and to confirm Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. For months I have been joining with my colleagues from across the ideological spectrum to deliver on our promise and lower health care costs.
Freedom is not some abstract concept. It’s real and it’s personal. We need leadership who will stand up and champion our constitutional liberties, fight for good paying jobs in Texas and restore America’s leadership in the world. As a senator, I remain committed to the values that shaped this nation, and to leading the fight to defend them.
You label yourself as a fighter for economic growth. What are your plans in that area?
In the senate, my number-one priority is jobs and economic growth. The reason for that is simple: it is the number-one priority for the Texans I represent. There are four main goals that I am fighting for and encouraging my colleagues to pursue to jumpstart economic growth in 2017.
The first is repealing and replacing Obamacare. When I do small business roundtables in Texas, over and over again small business owners tell me Obamacare is the single biggest challenge they face in their business. Premiums under Obamacare have risen on average $5,000. Same for deductibles. If we repeal Obamacare, families will see their premiums go down.
We must repeal Obamacare and then replace it with patient-centered reforms that increase competition, increase choices, drive down costs and give you, the patient, control over your health care without the government getting between you and your doctor. If we repeal Obamacare, job creators will be able to expand their businesses, and won’t be penalized for hiring that 50th worker.
We must also pursue tax reform and regulatory reform. The advice that I’ve given the President is, two words: bold and simple. I think there is power to bold simplicity, to dramatically simplifying the tax code, to reducing the burdens, reducing the paperwork, making the tax code simple and fair.
And by all indications, this administration’s commitment to regulatory reform is genuine and passionate. We will work to get big government out of the way so that job creators and hardworking Texans can innovate and thrive again. If we get these priorities done, we can get our great nation back on track.
What is your stand on the American educational system and what it offers?
Every child deserves an equal opportunity to learn. Yet today millions of children across our nation find themselves in failing schools, barring them from the chance to receive the education they need to climb out of poverty and up the economic ladder. The facts are unequivocal – school choice improves students’ test scores, keeps them in school longer, saves taxpayer dollars, provides a safer learning environment, and increases competition and quality in traditional public schools. School choice truly is the civil rights issue of the 21st century – it’s opening doors for children to pursue their talents and ambitions and it’s providing some of our poorest students a ticket to a better life and more promising future. Now is the time to open the gateway of opportunity to children across the country. We need to expand vouchers, education savings account programs, and educational options for all children, regardless of their race, ethnicity or zip code.
A candidate in the 2016 presidential race and with an impressive past as Solicitor General, what’s next for Ted Cruz?
I am fully focused on serving Texans in the U.S. Senate and I am excited about the opportunities we have before us to fulfill the promises we have long made to the American people. There are four big goals before us in 2017 – repeal of Obamacare, regulatory reform, tax reform, and confirmation of conservative, originalist judges – specifically Justice Gorsuch. And with Republicans in the White House and holding majorities in both the House and Senate, we finally have the chance to fulfill these commitments.
The confirmation of Justice Gorsuch was a crucial victory, and now we are laser focused on health reform. We had very good news the other week when the House passed a bill to repeal Obamacare. I think it was a positive step the House took in early May, and now in the Senate, we have a difficult task ahead of us. We have a very narrow majority, just 52 Republicans, and need at least 50 to pass the bill. I believe we have more work to do to get a bill that truly lowers premiums and improves care, and there’s a great debate going on about how to get this done. It’s not going to happen overnight – Obamacare took 14 months to pass into law – but we’re going to keep working at it, and I am working closely with my colleagues in the Senate, in the House, and in the administration to keep our promise to the American people.
A second major priority item in 2017 is regulatory reform. Every cabinet member that I have met with has made a genuine commitment to reducing regulatory burdens and I believe this administration’s commitment to regulatory reform is real. One tool we have already used effectively to address overregulation is the Congressional Review Act. To date, the senate has now passed more than a dozen resolutions under the Congressional Review Act to end Obama administration regulations that slow economic growth, threaten jobs and hold our country back. As one study estimates, our action to overturn these regulations could save Americans nearly $4 billion and more than four million hours of paperwork.
A third area that I think is likely to move in 2017 is tax reform — to dramatically simplifying the tax code, to reducing the burdens and paperwork, to make the tax code simple and fair. I believe that we can get this accomplished – and when we do, we will see a level of economic growth that we haven’t seen in a long time, because tax reform gets people to invest capital and create jobs.
These goals are big and bold, and I am strongly optimistic about what we will be able to accomplish.
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