Idaho EB-5 Regional Centers, Rural TEAs and EB-5 Projects -
EB-5 Visa Investment Projects: Top Investment States

EB-5 projects and EB-5 regional centers in Idaho

EB-5 MARKET IN IDAHO: Idaho has a small EB-5 market. As of May 2020, Idaho has 3 approved regional centers listed by USCIS.

STATE ECONOMY: Idaho, known as the Gem State, is the 12th least populous state in the U.S. and 14th largest by area. Idaho’s gross domestic product was $80.9 billion in 2019, according to U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Agriculture is very important in the state. Nearly one-third of potatoes grown in the U.S. come from Idaho. Other big industries include food processing, science and technology, lumber, machinery, electronics manufacturing, mining and tourism.

POPULATION OF IDAHO: The U.S. Census Bureau data shows the population in Idaho at about 1.78 million. 93% of the state’s residents identify as white, 12.7% Hispanic or Latino, 1.6% Asian and 0.9% Black or African American. English is the predominant language and a small percentage of the population speaks Spanish.

IMMIGRATION SITUATION: Idaho has a small immigrant community. American Immigration Council estimates that nearly 6% of Idaho’s residents were immigrants, and more than 5% of self-employed business owners were immigrants who generated $104.2 million in total annual revenue. The majority of immigrants come from Mexico, Canada, the Philippines China and Kuwait.


  • Adams County

    Bear Lake County

    Benewah County

    Bingham County

    Blaine County

    Bonner County

    Boundary County

    Camas County

    Caribou County

    Cassia County

    Clark County

    Clearwater County

    Custer County

    Elmore County

    Fremont County

  • Gooding County

    Idaho County

    Latah County (Except Moscow City)

    Lemhi County

    Lewis County

    Lincoln County

    Madison County (Except Rexburg City)

    Minidoka County

    Oneida County

    Payette County

    Shoshone County

    Teton County

    Valley County

    Washington County


EB-5 Map

Approved EB-5 Regional Centers in Idaho: