Rafael Lamberti - EB5Investors.com
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Rafael Lamberti

New York, New York
  • Rafael Lamberti

Rafael Lamberti is an immigration attorney. He is a partner at SG Law LLP, where he manages the firm’s corporate and investment-based immigration practice group.

Lamberti has experience representing individual and corporate clients’ various immigration matters, including nonimmigrant visas and employment-based visas. He has served as counselor and advisor to high net worth entrepreneurs, asylum seekers and many other foreign nationals seeking residency and citizenship.

Regarding the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, he has advised clients in structuring direct and pooled investments, as well as investments made through regional centers. Lamberti also has experience handling applications for E-1 treaty trader visas, E-2 investor visas, EB-1 outstanding researcher/professor immigrant visas, EB-2 visas, H-1B visas for specialty workers, L-1 visas, national interest waivers, O visas and P visas.

Prior to working for SG Law, Lamberti worked at a variety of law firms to build up his experience, including the international law firm Fragomen Worldwide.

Lamberti was born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil but later immigrated to the United States. He earned his Bachelor’s degree at Boston University and then his Juris Doctor degree at Seton Hall University School of Law. At Seton, he received an Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Immigrants’ Rights Clinic. He is admitted to practice law in New York and New Jersey. He speaks fluent Portuguese, English and Spanish. If needed, via Reinhardt LLP, Lamberti can also refer clients to colleagues who speak Italian, French and German.

Answers to EB-5 1 Questions Answered

Verified EB-5 Investors

As of August 30, 2017

  • EB5Investors.com found no public criminal record on BeenVerified.com
  • Active BAR member in good standing

What does it mean to be a VERIFIED member of EB5Investors.com?

EB5Investors.com verifies attorney members before placing them on our directory. Not all professionals pass the verification process, and we are not paid by members in any way for verified badges. The entire verification process is performed by EB5Investors.com staff members based in Irvine, California.

We perform a background check on the member by using BeenVerified.com’s online background check tool. The BeenVerified.com criminal background database is compiled by pulling together public records. Misconduct, such as a proven criminal record, disqualifies the applicant from obtaining a verified badge from EB5Investors.com. For attorneys that practice law in the United States, a staff member also checks to make sure the attorney is in good standing with the BAR of the state they represent to practice bar in.

The Verified Badge does not mean or represent that the attorney has experience or specializes in immigration law. Please consult the State Bar or other government based sites for more information on a particular attorney.