Khai Phu Investments and Migration Agency has moved into a new 1,000-square-meter (10,000-square-foot) modern art deco office space at 26-28 Le Van Huu, District 1 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The office is located in the consulate area, bordered by the U.S., France, Germany, UK, and Netherlands consulates within walking distance.
“Khai Phu is very excited to be here at this new location as we can service our clients better due to close proximity to the consulates,” said Vinh Dang, founder and CEO of Khai Phu, who is a winner of Uglobal’s Top 25 Global Migration Agency CEOs award.
Khai Phu, which has a staff of more than 30 in HCMC, was established in 2009 to serve high-net-worth individuals emigrating to the United States and other parts of the world.
“We congratulate Khai Phu on this milestone of acquiring one of the largest offices in Vietnam and its success in the industry,” said Ali Jahangiri, CEO of and
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