How can I use my existing property investment for a direct EB-5 filing? -

How can I use my existing property investment for a direct EB-5 filing?

I invested in a house that now has a market value of $800K. We run a daycare business from this house and it currently employs 5 employees but will expand to 10+ employees. Will this investment be eligible for an EB-5 filing? If not, do I need to purchase a commercial property and run the childcare business from there? Will that be eligible for EB-5?


Dennis Tristani

Dennis Tristani

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You will need to confirm if your business is located in a targeted employment area first. You will also need to have invested a minimum of $800,000 into your business to qualify.

Lynne Feldman

Lynne Feldman

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Can possibly qualify but make sure it is zoned for daycare and you have proper licenses. Investment amount will be based on the address as whether it is rural or in a TEA.

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy

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Is the residence property title held by a business? Perhaps there is enough to explore here?

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